We would like to share our new update – Success story of our star patients and here you will also find speeches (summarized) given by our epilepsy patients who recounted their journey from despair to hope and ultimate joy when they came out winners.
These speeches were given on an event which was held on 10th January 2016, where Dr. J. Nathan and his ketogenic diet team observed the first Ketogenic diet day in Mumbai, India to honour Dr John Freeman, the Father of the ‘Resurrected’ modern ketogenic diet. The event saw a packed hall with many standees. Lets have a look on some of the speeches given by our star patients.
Our star patient – PG
PG was brought to the ketogenic diet centre of Dr J Nathan on 7 July 1997.
He had several generalized seizures starting from the age of 1 month.He had epileptic myoclonic jerks several per day which were not recognized as seizures. He had tried several anti-seizure medications with poor results. More importantly he was not picking up language and the few words he had used in the past were also lost. His father was a leading scientist and was naturally very worried.
He was put on the ketogenic diet and the seizures and myoclonic jerks stopped in few month. Most gratifyingly he started speaking and was learning new words almost on a daily basis.
In a few months he was even able to learn Sanskrit shlokas.
The photos you see are of him teaching computer science both theoretical and practical in Dharwad his native town.
If only all those who do not respond to anti-seizure medication come early we would be able to make them independent.
Truly a ‘magical’ response from an almost 100 year old diet therapy.
The bottom line ‘start KD as soon as 2 medications fail’

PG teaching computer science both theoretical and practical in Dharwad his native town.

Our star patient -TG
Happy to announce one more successful story of our patient. Today we are glad to share her successful journey with us which is not because of Chemotherapy or Radiation therapy or Surgery, Its only because of ‘KETOGENIC DIET’. Earlier as you can see below in Jan 2017 we had shared our Pontine Glioma(Cancer) patient- TG’s picture with her views on Ketogenic Diet .
TG came with dense hemiplegia and could not walk unaided. She could not make a fist or hold anything. Surgery could not be performed. She could not afford radiation therapy or chemotherapy. She improved on ketogenic diet only. Here we share her pictures below:-

We Would like to share one of our patient with a PONTINE GLIOMA (Cancer) views on Ketogenic diet and her pictures.

Our star patient YOGESH REDDY
Lets see the journey of Yogesh Reddy from childhood to adult stage.

Yogesh said in his speech:-He was 1 and ½ yrs when he came to Dr. Nathan. His family doctor suggested them to visit Dr. Nathan. At that time he used to get 300 fits/day. After starting ketogenic diet within 1 month his fits got controlled. They were told that it will take 3 years for complete seizure free life but to his surprise he was seizure free within 2 yrs and was off diet. Now he is very active, goes to college. He is very grateful to Dr. Nathan and his dieticians for such seizure free life. He said “I am enjoying life to the fullest”.
Our star patient- TULIKA SEN

Tulika said that she suffered epilepsy since 10 yrs, hence doctor suggested ketogenic diet. She thanked Dr. John Freeman on his birthday who trained Dr. Nathan who is pioneer of ketogenic diet in India. She cooks her own ketogenic diet recipes. She follows the recipes calculated by Dieticians. She said that by having this diet her fits have lessened .She is learning to play guitar and practise few songs at home. She follows the diet properly and hopes that she will be seizure free soon. In her free time she enjoys crochet work. Here are the pictures of her crochet work.

Our star patient- AKHILESH PAI

Akhilesh Pai: Mrs. Varsha Pai( akhilesh mother gave the speech)
Mrs. Pai said that Akhilesh was 1.5 yrs when he got his first seizure. They tried many medication but after 1-2 yrs fits started increasing. He was not able to balance himself and used to fall and hurt himself. They visited many Doctors but Akhilesh’s condition got worse. He started forgetting common things such as getting down from staircase, wearing pants etc. Finally they visited Pittusberg children’s hospital and were introduced to ketogenic diet. After lot of research they came to know about Dr. Nathan’s ketogenic diet in India. Without wasting much time they rushed to Dr. Nathan but by that period Akhilesh was not able to walk due to several medications reaction. Dr. Nathan started ketogenic diet and along with that started tapering off his medications. Within 3 months his fits stopped earlier which were 80 fits/day and gradually his medicines tapered off completely. Within 5 yrs he diet was completed halted and he was seizure free at the age of 11. She thanked Dr. Nathan and team for Akhilesh’s seizure free life and also gave a message to all the parents to trust Dr. Nathan and follow his instruction properly. Today he is 20 yrs old. He passed his 10th std from NIOS and currently involve in vocational course from Sadhana Institute.
Our star patient-ARADHANA

Aradhana Srikanthan:- Her mother Mrs. Rannie Srikanthan gave speech.
Rannie said that she and her husband are Doctors but still they went through a lot of struggle to find the right treatment for their daughter. After lot of research they finally met Dr. Nathan 6 months back. They were thankful to Dr. Nathan and said that “he is a magician” and she also thanked Dieticians saying that “They are my beautiful angels”. After 1 yr of struggle there are so happy to see their daughter’s seizure reduced to such a extent that she can feed herself and is active now. Earlier she used to get 10 seizures per day and now only 1-2 /day. She is very happy and asked every parents to keep faith in Dr. Nathan.