Hello everyone,
Happy to announce that we organised a successful pre conference Workshop on ketogenic diet in child neurology at International Congress of Child Neurology (ICNC).
Our workshop was most popular and had maximum number of registration.
Have a look at attached photos:-

ICNC Faculty- International and Indian speakers

Our efficient team of Keto Dieticians

Team of Delhi Keto Dieticians and Team of Mumbai Keto Dietician

Internal faculty members:-Left to right
Dr. Omnia El-Rashidy,
(Pioneer of KD,Egypt)
(Pioneer of KD,Egypt)
Dr. Jianxiang Liao
( Pioneer of KD, China)
( Pioneer of KD, China)
Dr. Hoon Chul Kang
(Pioneer of KD, South Korea)
(Pioneer of KD, South Korea)
Dr. Khoo Teik Beng
(Pioneer of KD, Malaysia)
(Pioneer of KD, Malaysia)

Dr. Janak Nathan
(Pioneer of KD, Asia)
(Pioneer of KD, Asia)
Presentation of all the faculty members(photos) given below:-

Panel discussion session
Our patient’s mother sharing her experience on Ketogenic diet
Our patient’s mother sharing her experience on Ketogenic diet